Калініч Г.Ю. - Кадрове питання при відкритті греко-католицьких навчальних закладів на Холмщині і Підляшші (1865 – 1867 рр.) за родинним листуванням протоієрея Петра Лебединцева (2019)

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Kalinich Hanna Yuriivna

Selection of personnel at the foundation of the Greek Catholic schools at Chełm Land and Podlachia (1865 – 1867) by the chpriest Petro Lebedyntsev’s family correspondence

Abstract: The aim of the paper. The research provides generalised overview of the matter of selection of personnel at the Greek Catholic primary and secondary schools at Chelm Land and Pidlashshia reflected in the family correspondence between the superintendents’ of Chelm and Siedlce educational directorates and the archpriest Petro Lebedyntsev of Kyiv. The methodology of the study consists in application of the microhistorical, the anthropological approaches for the researching of social and political history. Historical systemic analysis is used for the scrutiny of the parallel selection of personnel at two educational directorates as the parts of the unit sociocultural and sociopolitical arrangement. Also, there were used the methods of the source criticism. The scientific novelty of the article consists in the revealing of information potential of the Petro Lebedintcev’ family correspondence for the study of the human factor in personnel recruitment during foundation of the schools at Chelm Land and Podlashshia in 1865–1867. Also, this correspondence was introduced to the scientific circulation as a detailed historical source of the history of the education reform and personnel politic in the Kingdom of Poland. Conclusion. After the January Uprising the foundation of the Greek Catholic schools became a priority as an essential part of integration of Polish society into the Russian cultural space. The professional competence and the aptitude for keeping the Russian Orthodox identity and rivalry with the Polish Catholic community have been key issues at the selection of personnel. The correspondence contains the unique information about realization of the personnel policy of the Russian Empire in the Eastern provinces of the Kingdom of Poland. It displays the patterns of behaviour and actions, which have been exercised by superintendents of educational directorates and people that had been recruited. It displays the emotional, rational and pragmatic perception of actions by executive officials and participants of the recruitment process.

Keywords: the Polish Greek Catholics, interethnic and inter-confessional relations, the Russian national policy, primary and secondary education, gymnasium, teachers.

Author(s) citation:

Kalinich Hanna Yuriivna (2019). Selection of personnel at the foundation of the Greek Catholic schools at Chełm Land and Podlachia (1865 – 1867) by the chpriest Petro Lebedyntsev’s family correspondence. Manuscript and book heritage of Ukraine, (24) 247-267. (In Ukrainan). doi: https://doi.org/10.15407/rksu.24.247


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