Лобузін І. В. - Електронні колекції україніки у вебсередовищі: організація та технологія формування ресурсів рукописних та книжкових джерел у Національній бібліотеці України імені В. І. Вернадського, Перенесієнко І. П. (2020)

  ARCHIVE (All issues) /     Content (2020, Issue 25)Ukrainian English

Lobuzin Ivan, Perenesiienko Ihor

Electronic collections of Ukrainica in web environment: organization and technology of formation of resources of manuscript and book sources in V. I. Vernadskyi National Library of Ukraine

Section: Informational Technologies in Librarian and Archival Sciences

Abstract: The aim of the research is substantiation of the importance of electronic collections for improving access to digital library resources of historical and cultural heritage, determining the structure of the description of the electronic collection and its constituent elements, development of a system of principles and technology for the formation of Ukrainica electronic collections, with the current requirements to digital library resources and sources of scientific information. The methodology of the research is built on systematic analysis, classification and description of the source base of documentary heritage according to integration and harmonization of methods of humanities and information technologies, international standards of collection description, application of semantic web technologies. Science novelty of the research lies in the systematic solution of the problem of scientific organization of Ukrainica electronic collections, which includes the development of an original data structure to descripton the electronic collection, application of linked data methods for multifaceted presentation of national heritage materials, modeling and development of universal prototypes for different types of collections, in particular personal, to significant dates in the history and culture of Ukraine. Conclusions. The combination of technological capabilities of modern semantic web technologies with scientific and library methods of processing documentary information has created conditions for convenient and professional access of researchers to the historical and cultural heritage of Ukraine: obtaining all necessary information on e-collection in one user screen; information on all important library resources related to a given topic; submission of reference information selected by experts from Internet; acquaintance with the digital image of the specified subject of e-collection in external world information resources; the possibility of multifaceted study of documents reflecting the research context.

Keywords: scientific library, electronic collection, Ukrainica, electronic library, linked data, semantic web technologies, sources of scientific information, research context.

Author(s) citation:

Lobuzin Ivan (2020). Electronic collections of Ukrainica in web environment: organization and technology of formation of resources of manuscript and book sources in V. I. Vernadskyi National Library of Ukraine. Manuscript and book heritage of Ukraine, (25) 324-336. (In Ukrainan). doi: https://doi.org/10.15407/rksu.25.324


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