National Academy of Sciences of Ukraine

“Manuscript and Book Heritage of Ukraine” [Rukopisna ta knižkova spadŝina Ukraïni] is a scientific journal, a professional continuing publication with the subtitle "Archeographic Studies of Unique Archival and Library Funds". It is intended for specialists in the field of bibliography, codicology, archaeology, archival studies, source studies, library science, bibliography, social communications, as well as for a wide range of researchers interested in national history.

It was founded in 1993 on the basis of a specialized research unit of the V.I. Vernadskyi Central Scientific Library (now the V.I. Vernadskyi National Library of Ukraine, VNLU) – the Institute of Manuscript, is formed with the involvement of specialists from other scientific departments of the VNLU, as well as domestic and foreign library and archival institutions.

Founder and publisher: National Academy of Sciences of Ukraine, V.I. Vernadskyi National Library of Ukraine. It is published at intervals of 4 issues per year. Languages: Ukrainian, English, Polish.

The journal "RKSU" is registered by the Attestation Board of the Ministry of Education and Science of Ukraine as a professional publication in the specialties "Historical Sciences" (Order of the Ministry of Education and Science of Ukraine dated 07.10.2015 No. 1021) and "Social Communications" (Order of the Ministry of Education and Science of Ukraine dated 21.12.2015 No. 1328).

The journal "RKSU" is included in category A of scientific professional publications of Ukraine.

Media ID – R30-92744.

The journal covers various aspects of the study of the history and existence of handwritten books, old prints, specialized library and archival funds in order to reconstruct the history of book culture in Ukraine and the world; scientific research in special historical disciplines (book source studies, codicology and codigraphy, filigree, paleography, textology, marginal studies, etc.) is represented; Publications of documents, scientific reference and scientific information materials (reviews of the composition and content of funds, archeographic and bibliographic descriptions, indexes, notices, reviews), articles on the problems of storage, restoration and conservation of manuscript and book funds, as well as on the creation of automated technologies for describing handwritten and printed documents, the use of information retrieval systems in library and archival affairs, etc. are presented. Foreign experience is also represented.

The theoretical, scientific and methodological level of the journal "RKSU" is ensured by the research of the well-known scientific school in codicology and archeography in Ukraine and abroad, founded in the early 1990s by the Corresponding Member of the National Academy of Sciences of Ukraine, Dr. habil. in History, Professor L. Dubrovina, as well as scientific studies of scientific schools in the field of bibliography, library science, biography, national bibliography, formed in the VNLU.

Materials are presented under the headings: "Studies of Archival and Book Collections", "History of Book Collections and Gatherings", "Codicology and Codicography", "Studies in Special Historical Disciplines", "Information Technologies in Library and Archival Science", "Information Resource of Cultural Heritage", "Publication of Documents", "Our Colleagues Abroad", "Messages", "Reviews", «Personalia». Significant dates in the activities of the VNLU and the National Academy of Sciences of Ukraine are marked by the establishment of jubilee rubrics, in particular – "To the 100th anniversary of the National Academy of Sciences of Ukraine" (Issue 19) and "To the 100th anniversary of the National Academy of Sciences of Ukraine and the V.I. Vernadskyi National Library of Ukraine" (Issues 21, 22).

In the Scientific Council of the journal "RKSU" – Academician of the National Academy of Sciences of Ukraine (1) and Dr. habil. (4). These are, in particular: O. Onyshchenko, H. Papakin, N. Shyp, O. Khamray, O. Pastushenko. Foreign experts are also involved in the Scientific Council of "RKSU" – Alina Dzentiol (Poland), Rima Tsitsinienė (Lithuania) and Olaf Hamann (Germany).

The modern Editorial Board of the journal "RKSU" includes Corresponding members of the National Academy of Sciences of Ukraine (3), Dr. habil. (5) and Ph. D. (3). Of these, 2 Corresponding Members, 4 Dr. habil. and 2 Ph. D. are employees of VNLU. Over the years, the Editorial Board included leading scientists in the field of book studies, archeography, source studies: L. Dubrovina, H. Boriak, T. Kivshar, G. Kovalchuk, S. Kuleshov, V. Omelchuk, O. Onyshchenko, P. Sokhan, H. Yukhymets, N. Shyp and others. The Editorial Board also includes foreign experts from Poland, Lithuania, France and the United Kingdom. The Editor-in-Chief of the journal is Corresponding Member of the National Academy of Sciences of Ukraine, Dr. habil. in History, Professor L. Dubrovina. Executive Secretary – Ph. D. in History, Senior Researcher N. Zubkova.

The Editorial Board of the journal "RKSU" provides the review process. The articles are prepared in compliance with the requirements for the editorial design of a scientific professional publication in accordance with state standards. The abstract, keywords and the list of references are presented in Ukrainian and English (the list of references is also in Latin transliteration).

Among the authors are well-known domestic and foreign scientists: S. Bulatova, O. Halchenko, L. Hnatenko, P. Holobutskyi, L. Dubrovina, N. Zubkova, O. Ivanova, H. Kovalchuk, L. Korniy, Y. Labyntsev, K. Lobuzina, I. Matiash, L. Mukha, Y. Mytsyk, V. Plachynda, O. Pohribnyi, I. Sergeeva, S. Sokhan, S. Starovoyt, O. Stepchenko, V. Ulyanovsky, I. Chepiga, E. Chernukhin, N. Shyp, L. Yaremenko, Y. Yasinovsky and others.

Publications of the journal "RCSU" are drawn up in accordance with the international requirements for the submission of scientific publications, reflected in the Abstract Database "Scientific Ukrainica" (, indexed by scientific databases: Scopus (Quartile Q4), Web of Sciences (WOS) (Quartile Q3), Google Scholar, Directory of Open Access Journals (DOAJ), Index Copernicus, ResearchBibl, Scientific Indexing Services.

The scientific journal "RKSU" has its own website ( The electronic archive of the publication is presented on the journal's website: and in the database "Scientific Periodicals of Ukraine" on the VNLU portal. E-mail: [email protected]


Danevych S. H. Thematic Index of Studies Published in the Collection of Scientific Works "Manuscript and Book Heritage of Ukraine: Archeographic Studies of Unique Archival and Library Funds (1993–2005)]. 1–10" // Manuscript and Book Heritage of Ukraine. Kyiv, 2007. Iss. 11, pp. 247–264.

Zubkova N. M. "Manuscript and Book Heritage of Ukraine" // Ukrainian Archival Encyclopedia / State Committee on Archives of Ukraine, URIAARK; Editors: I. B. Matiash (Chairman), I. N. Voitsekhivska, L. A. Dubrovina, M. G. Zhelezniak, S. L. Zvorsky, S. G. Kuleshov, O. G. Mityukov, K. E. Novokhatsky, L. P. Odynoka, O. S. Onyshchenko, R. Y. Pyrih, V. A. Smolii, P. S. Sokhan, Y. S. Yatskiv. Kyiv: Gorobets Publishing House, 2008. P. 715.