Бондар Н. П. - Папір заблудівських видань Івана Федорова та Петра Мстиславця (2009)

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Abstract: The author analyzes the filigrees on the copies of the Instructive Gospel of 1569 printed by Ivan Fedorov and Petro Mstyslavets at the G. Chodkevytch "Zabludov" manor that are preserved at the Kyiv, Lviv and Moscow collections. The types, kinds and variants of the filigrees are singles out, their quantitative correlations withtin a copy are determined, the dynamics of their change from gathering to gathering is tracked. The group of filigrees mistakenly enrolled in the list of the filigrees of the Instructive Gospel of 1569 is detected. The received data is used in the historical-bibliological studies of the publication, particularly that of the history of the paper purchase and priority of printing of its parts.

Бондар, Н. П. (2009). Папір заблудівських видань Івана Федорова та Петра Мстиславця. Рукописна та книжкова спадщина України, (13) 3–21. - http://rksu.nbuv.gov.ua/doc/rks_2009_13_1