Гальченко О. М. - Оздоблення оправ рукописних Євангелій XVI ст., Зінченко С. В. (2010)

  ARCHIVE (All issues) /     Content (2010, Issue 14)Ukrainian English

Abstract: The article presents a brief survey of the types of decorations found on the book-bindings of sixteenth-century manuscript copies of the Gospels. The authors examined items from the collections of the three largest manuscript repositiories of Ukraine: the Vernadsky National Library of Ukraine, the Stefanyk National Library of Ukraine inLviv, and the Sheptyts'ky national Museum in Lviv. The statistical analysis of the copies of the Gospels shows that very few original bindings have survived. The authors offer a detailed discussion of the causes of this phenomenon. The focus of the article is on the types and character of the decorations applied in the process of binding and subsequent rebinding of sixteenth-century manuscript copies of the Gospels.

Гальченко, О. М. (2010). Оздоблення оправ рукописних Євангелій XVI ст.. Рукописна та книжкова спадщина України, (14). - http://rksu.nbuv.gov.ua/doc/rks_2010_14_11