Чернухін Є. К. - Пам'ятки караманлійського письма в Інституті рукопису Національної бібліотеки України (2012)

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Abstract: The manuscripts in Turkish dialects written with Greek letters (Karamanlidika) in the Institute of Manuscript of the Vernadsky National Library of Ukraine are concentrated generally in the Fund V (Odessa History and Antiquity Society) – 36 mss, with other 4 mss held in the F. 301 (Church and Archaeology Museum of the Kyiv Theological Academy), F. 312 (Library of Kyiv Saint Sophia Cathedral), F. 72 (Collection of the Greek manuscripts) and F. 384 (Archives of A. O. Biletsky and T. M. Chernyshova). All these mss were written in 18th–19th c. in Crimea or Azov Sea region. Most of them are deeds, letters and notes (25 documents) reflecting the parish life of the Azov Greeks in 1778–1797. Among the narrative sources there are New Testament (Lectionaries), psalms, prayers, liturgical texts, fragments from works of Church Fathers, an Ancient Greek grammar, parallel texts in various languages, folk songs, proverbs etc.

Чернухін, Є. К. (2012). Пам'ятки караманлійського письма в Інституті рукопису Національної бібліотеки України. Рукописна та книжкова спадщина України, (15) 3-27. - http://rksu.nbuv.gov.ua/doc/rks_2012_15_1