Лобузіна К. В. - Онлайновий інформаційний ресурс "Історико-культурні фонди" (2012)

  ARCHIVE (All issues) /     Content (2012, Issue 15)Ukrainian English

Abstract: This publication deals with the technological approaches and scientific principles of creation of an integrated online resource “Historical and Cultural Collections” that provides information on the structure of specialized departments, researchers and their publications, areas of research and methodological work, collections, the rules of the reading rooms and the services rendered to users, informational resources (online catalogues and databases, digital collections and exhibitions), news. The pages of the informational resource provide access to the image-directories (scanned catalogue cards) of the specialized departments and contain information on the archival collections of the VNLU (manuscript collecion and Archives of the National Academy of Sciences of Ukraine).

Keywords: historical and cultural collections, integrated informational services, library catalogues and databases, digital collections, electronic exhibitions.

Лобузіна, К. В. (2012). Онлайновий інформаційний ресурс "Історико-культурні фонди" . Рукописна та книжкова спадщина України, (15) 273-284. - http://rksu.nbuv.gov.ua/doc/rks_2012_15_20