Василюк О. Д. - Листування Агатангела Кримського другої половини 1920-х років (2012)

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Abstract: The article describes the correspondence of the academician Agathangel Krymsky in the second half of the 1920th. It was a specific and rather difficult period in his life. The intrigues in the Academy, gradual deprival of all his positions, arrests of his colleagues and relatives. At the same time it was a period of fruitful scientific activity. His letters of that period will tell us about those events.

Keywords: correspondence, the Academy, permanent secretary, conflict, correspondent.

Василюк, О. Д. (2012). Листування Агатангела Кримського другої половини 1920-х років. Рукописна та книжкова спадщина України, (16) 172-182. - http://rksu.nbuv.gov.ua/doc/rks_2012_16_13