Цинковська І. І. - Ілюстративна заставка в українських стародруках XVII ст. (2012)

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Abstract: The article tracks artistic features and identifies main types of illustration art in the Ukrainian Cyrillic publications of the 17 century and their genetic connection to a handwritten book. This is only the first scientific statement of the complex theme that outlines broader prospects for further scientific study that deals with examination of illustration art in the old printed books and its connection to chronology, typology, subject matter and stylistic peculiarities. This article describes some observations about the place of illustration in the art design of a book, its connection to a written story as well as with other elements of the book design such as its title, the footnote illustrations and the capital letters.

Цинковська, І. І. (2012). Ілюстративна заставка в українських стародруках XVII ст.. Рукописна та книжкова спадщина України, (16) 9-42. - http://rksu.nbuv.gov.ua/doc/rks_2012_16_2