Левченко Л. Л. - Розробка теорії експертизи цінності документів у працях видатних американських учених-архівістів 30–50-х років ХХ ст. (2012)

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Abstract: In this article author makes an attempt for periodization of the appraisal theory development in the United States of America. Author identifies 1930-th as a period of European appraisal concept domination; 1930-1950-th as the beginning of peculiar theory design; 1950-1960-th as generalization of previous researches of prominent American scientists T.Shellenberg and P.Levinson, implementation of the concepts of “primary” and “secondary”, “evidential” and “informational” value __of the document; 1960-1970-th as a period of criticism of T.Shellenberg ideas and the beginning of readable and audio, video documents appraise; 1980-1990-th as the revision of appraisal theory __and the re-appraisal idea of L. Rapport for American achieves; 1990-th-present as the creation of new appraisal concepts and the development of a new direction in electronic documents appraisal process. Author pays attention to the concepts proposed by M.С. Norton, P. Brooks, E. Leahy and P. Bauer in 1930-1950-th.

Keywords: appraisal theory in the U.S., appraisal periodization in the U.S., “evidential” value of a document, documents for permanent preservation selection in the United States, authorization for documents destruction in the U.S., financial criterion for documents evaluation in the U.S., Margaret Cross Norton.

Левченко, Л. Л. (2012). Розробка теорії експертизи цінності документів у працях видатних американських учених-архівістів 30–50-х років ХХ ст.. Рукописна та книжкова спадщина України, (16) 362-389. - http://rksu.nbuv.gov.ua/doc/rks_2012_16_25