Затока Л. П. - Сучасна система збереження бібліотечних фондів: поєднання традиційних та новітніх технологій, Муха Л. В. (2012)

  ARCHIVE (All issues) /     Content (2012, Issue 16)Ukrainian English

Abstract: The basic constituents of the modern system of funds preservation are examined in the article. Information is given about influence of technologies of mass printing-down – microfilm, digitization, scanning and other on the state of maintenance of funds. It becomes firmly established that providing of maintenance of rare documents is based on the complex scientifically-applied inspections. It is reported that for substantial intensification of restoration processes application of modern restoration materials and new non-destructive methods of research of material basis of documents is recommended. Told about the features of storage of documents on traditional and newest new media, and also about possibilities which are given due to the use of electronic databases with information about the last achievements in industry of preservation of library funds.

Keywords: technology, preservation, electronic database, material, paper, leather, new media.

Затока, Л. П. (2012). Сучасна система збереження бібліотечних фондів: поєднання традиційних та новітніх технологій. Рукописна та книжкова спадщина України, (16) 515-542. - http://rksu.nbuv.gov.ua/doc/rks_2012_16_35