Губко Г. С. - Праці М. В. Ломоносова у книжковій культурі та науці XVIII ст. (2012)

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Abstract: The article is devoted to the works of renowned scholar, researcher, poet, advocate of education and the economy Mikhail Vasilyevich Lomonosov. The main directions of scientific research scientist, described his fundamental work on the copies that are stored in the department of old and rare books Vernadsky. Observed in art and publishing features of media works Lomonosov characterizing book culture of the XVIII century.

Keywords: M.V. Lomonosov, book culture, konvolyut, alihat, typographical ornaments, frames, engraving, poetry, grammar, metallurgy, physics, chemistry, astronomy.

Губко, Г. С. (2012). Праці М. В. Ломоносова у книжковій культурі та науці XVIII ст.. Рукописна та книжкова спадщина України, (16) 80-93. - http://rksu.nbuv.gov.ua/doc/rks_2012_16_6