Сергєєва І. А. - Музей і архів Єврейського історико-етнографічного товариства: до проблеми реконструкції документального зібрання (рос.) (2013)

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Serhieieva I.

The museum and the archive of the Jewish Historical-Ethnographic Society: on the problem of the documentary gathering reconstruction

Abstract: The author analyzes the history of creation and work of the centralised archives of the documents of Poland and Russia jews history. She characterises S. Dubnov, S. Ansky and other Jewish science and culture activists role in the archives creation and functioning. The author substantiates the necessity of the Jewish historic-ethnographic community collection reconstruction and its perspectives.

Keywords: Jewish historic-ethnographic community archives, museum, S. Dubnov, S. Ansky, reconstruction.

Author(s) citation:

Serhieieva I. (2013). The museum and the archive of the Jewish Historical-Ethnographic Society: on the problem of the documentary gathering reconstruction. Manuscript and book heritage of Ukraine, (17) 288-320. - http://rksu.nbuv.gov.ua/doc/rks_2013_17_19