Гнатенко Л. А. - Проблема датування кириличних кодексів XIV–XVI ст. з колекції Церковно-археологічного музею при Київській духовній академії в каталозі О. Лебедєва (2013)

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Hnatenko L.

The issue of dating of 14th–16th centuries Cyrillic codices from the collection of the Spiritual and Archaeological Museum at the Kyiv Theological Academy in the catalog of O. Lebediev

Abstract: In the article the author for the first time raises the issue of O. Lebedev dating ancient written monuments of different cultures and languages of the collection of CAM of KTA that do not have exactly dated codicological records. The author accentuates the necessity of a critical review of data represented in the archaeographic catalog of O. Lebedev (1916). It is noted that the scholars of the Institute of Manuscripts of V. I. Vernadsky National Library of Ukraine have already specified the dating of Slavic Cyrillic Codes of the XIVth–XVIth centuries which serves as an example for the issue consideration.

Keywords: O. Lebedev, archaeographic catalog, written monuments, code, Cyrillic Codes of XIVth–XVIth centuries, manuscript, date of writing.

Author(s) citation:

Hnatenko L. (2013). The issue of dating of 14th–16th centuries Cyrillic codices from the collection of the Spiritual and Archaeological Museum at the Kyiv Theological Academy in the catalog of O. Lebediev. Manuscript and book heritage of Ukraine, (17) 370-379. (In Ukrainan). - http://rksu.nbuv.gov.ua/doc/rks_2013_17_23