Добрянська Т. А. - Проблема датування українських кириличних кодексів XVII ст. з колекції Церковно-археологічного музею при Київській духовній академії в каталозі О. Лебедєва (2013)

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Dobrianska T.

The issue of dating of 17th century Cyrillic codices from the collection of the Spiritual and Archaeological Museum at the Kyiv Theological Academy in the catalog of O. Lebediev

Abstract: In the article the author for the first time raises the issue of dating Ukrainian Cyrillic Codes of the XVIIth century, represented in the archaeographic catalog of CAM of KTA collection of O. Lebedev. She selected for the object of her research the codes which do not have exactly dated codicological records and are presented in the catalog descriptions with a chronologically diminished "indirect" date of writing. The article provides a critical review of the codes descriptions on the base of the modern archaeography, codicology, paleography and philigranology data.

Keywords: O. Lebedev, archaeographic catalog, Ukrainian Cyrillic Codes of the XVIIth century, manuscript, date of writing, filigree.

Author(s) citation:

Dobrianska T. (2013). The issue of dating of 17th century Cyrillic codices from the collection of the Spiritual and Archaeological Museum at the Kyiv Theological Academy in the catalog of O. Lebediev. Manuscript and book heritage of Ukraine, (17) 380-389. (In Ukrainan). - http://rksu.nbuv.gov.ua/doc/rks_2013_17_24