Рудий Г. Я. - Київські періодичні видання за доби Гетьманату Павла Скоропадського (джерелознавчий аспект) (2013)

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Rudyi H.

The Kyiv periodical editions of Pavlo Skoropadsky Hetmanate times (the source studies aspect)

Abstract: In the article the Kyiv periodicals as an important source of studying the history of Ukrainian Hetman state in 1918 are investigated. The Kyiv press materials are grouped according to their themes. The composition and contents of the Kyiv periodicals of the Ukrainian State times are distinguished.

Keywords: Ukrainian Hetman state, Pavlo Skoropadsky Hetmanate, Kyiv periodicals, Kyiv newspapers.

Author(s) citation:

Rudyi H. (2013). The Kyiv periodical editions of Pavlo Skoropadsky Hetmanate times (the source studies aspect). Manuscript and book heritage of Ukraine, (17) 390-414. (In Ukrainan). - http://rksu.nbuv.gov.ua/doc/rks_2013_17_25