Бондар Н. П. - Деякі зауваження до бібліографії українських кириличних стародруків ХVIII ст. (2013)

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Bondar N.

Some remarks to the bibliography of Ukrainian Cyrillic old printed books of the 18th century

Abstract: The article introduces new materials to the investigation of Ukrainian early printed books. Corrections and elaborations to the Catalogue of Zapasko and Isaevich were made. Exploration of XVIIIth century Cyrillic books of Kyiv-Pechersk Lavra printing house of NBUV collection enabled to reveal editions, which were erroneously included in repertory of Ukrainian books. Among them there are rare and unique editions, such as a not existing Prayer Rite (1763). Besides, books, not included in any catalogues, such as few lists of a Form (1763) with instructions for reading the Apostle, were found. Also it was discovered, that there was only one edition of Lenten Triodion (1743) and Prayer Rite (1754) and two diversely decorated editions of Acathistus (1731).

Keywords: early printed books, bibliography of Ukrainian early printed Cyrillic books, elaboration of bibliography, Kyiv editions of XVIII century.

Author(s) citation:

Bondar N. (2013). Some remarks to the bibliography of Ukrainian Cyrillic old printed books of the 18th century. Manuscript and book heritage of Ukraine, (17) 472-479. (In Ukrainan). - http://rksu.nbuv.gov.ua/doc/rks_2013_17_29