Чернухін Є. К. - Записи "Господньої молитви" з надчорноморських теренів другої половини XVIII ст. (2013)

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Chernuchin Y.

The Lord’s prayer recordings from the Northern Black Sea territories of the second half of the 18th century

Abstract: There are some versions of the Lord's Prayer in the mss V, № 3738; 301, № 27 L; and 312, № 582/103 C in the Manuscript Institute of the V. I. Vernadsky National Library of Ukraine, written with Greek letters in various languiges. Phonetic transcription of the Arabic and Georgian versions of the prayer reflects the personal scriber's reception of the translations from Greek, which are traditional for these ethnic communities and are still in use nowadays. The Albanian and two Turkish texts of the Lord's prayer present its historical variants, which have served for the development of its later and better traditions. Multilingual notes in ms 312, № 582/103 S, generally of bookish origin, would serve the aims of katechization of non-Christian population of the North Pontic region, while the texts of the Lord's prayer in mss V, № 3738 and 301, № 27 L are an inseparable part of the original tradition of the New Testment for the Turkish speaking Christian - Urums of Crimea.

Keywords: manuscripts, Lord's prayer, New Testament translations, the Urums, katechization.

Author(s) citation:

Chernuchin Y. (2013). The Lord’s prayer recordings from the Northern Black Sea territories of the second half of the 18th century. Manuscript and book heritage of Ukraine, (17) 3-24. (In Ukrainan). - http://rksu.nbuv.gov.ua/doc/rks_2013_17_3