Пастушенко О. В. - Релігійна преса і періодика України як об’єкт дисертаційних досліджень (2001–2013) (2013)

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Pastushenko O.

Religious press and periodicals of Ukraine as an object of dissertational researches (2001–2013)

Abstract: The article covers the direction, content, and specialisation of dissertations dedicated to the study of religious press covering science fields of philology, history and social communications.

Keywords: religious press in Ukraine, periodics, dissertations, pressollogy.

Author(s) citation:

Pastushenko O. (2013). Religious press and periodicals of Ukraine as an object of dissertational researches (2001–2013). Manuscript and book heritage of Ukraine, (17) 480-493. (In Ukrainan). - http://rksu.nbuv.gov.ua/doc/rks_2013_17_30