Кунанець Н. Е. - Бібліотечні інформаційні технології обслуговування користувачів з особливими потребами (2013)

  ARCHIVE (All issues) /     Content (2013, Issue 17)Ukrainian English

Kunanets N.

Librarian informational technologies of customers with special needs service

Abstract: The article covers the development of special information technologies in libraries which provide service for customers with special needs, oriented for a differentiated approach to dataware according to the channels of information perception. Application of such innovative changes in the maintenance of modern libraries provides the elimination of barriers in the information access for people with special needs and the organisation of their services on the basis of inclusion.

Keywords: customer service, customers with special needs, e-library, informational content.

Author(s) citation:

Kunanets N. (2013). Librarian informational technologies of customers with special needs service. Manuscript and book heritage of Ukraine, (17) 510-527. (In Ukrainan). - http://rksu.nbuv.gov.ua/doc/rks_2013_17_32