Ткаченко І. В. - Особливості видання і редакційна робота в "Літературно-науковому віснику" київського періоду у листуванні М. Грушевського зі співробітниками журналу (2013)

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Tkachenko I.

The special aspects of publishing and editorial work in the “Literature and Science Herald” of the Kyiv period in the correspondence of M. Hrushevsky with the journal staff

Abstract: In the article the specialties of publishing and editorial work in LSH of Kyiv period, represented in M. Hrushevsky’s correspondence with the magazine’s editorial staff, are taken up. It was shown, with a help of epistles, in what way M. Hrushevskyi cooperated with the technical workers of the editorial staff during the process of magazine’s edition.

Keywords: correspondence of M. Hrushevsky, editorial work in LSH, technical workers of the editorial staff, preparation of the magazine to edition.

Author(s) citation:

Tkachenko I. (2013). The special aspects of publishing and editorial work in the “Literature and Science Herald” of the Kyiv period in the correspondence of M. Hrushevsky with the journal staff. Manuscript and book heritage of Ukraine, (17) 65-79. (In Ukrainan). - http://rksu.nbuv.gov.ua/doc/rks_2013_17_6