Афанасьєва З. Б. - Кабінет залізничного транспорту Київського комерційного інституту: навчальна діяльність та бібліотека (2014)

  ARCHIVE (All issues) /     Content (2014, Issue 18)Ukrainian English

Afanasievа Z.

The Railway Transport Cabinet of the Kyiv Commercial Institute: educational activities and library

Abstract: In the article the history of foundation and activities of the Railway Transport Cabinet of the Kyiv Commercial Institute are recreated and an attempt is made to trace the way of its library book fonds which "has been lost" during the institute numerous transformations.The Railway Transport Cabinet was established as a supportive educational subdivision of the Merchandising Museum of the Kyiv Commercial Institute. Its purpose was to gather materials on railway science from the improved models of railway transport to the rich collection of specialized literature in foreign languages. In this regard a library was organized in a cabinet; it consisted of professional books and documents covering the railway science, railroads organization and operation, various manuals, diagrams etc. The novelty of the publication lies in the disclosure of the history of the Kyiv Commercial Institute Railway Transport Cabinet library, which has not yet been an object of a special book science research.

Keywords: the Kyiv Commercial Institute, the Railway Transport Cabinet, library.

Author(s) citation:

Afanasievа Z. (2014). The Railway Transport Cabinet of the Kyiv Commercial Institute: educational activities and library. Manuscript and book heritage of Ukraine, (18) 242-251. (In Ukrainan). - http://rksu.nbuv.gov.ua/doc/rks_2014_18_19