Соколов В. Ю. - Кириличне видання "Феатрон или Позор исторический В. Стратемана в контексті розвитку книжкової культури та книгодрукування праць з історії в Росії першої чверті XVIII ст.: історико-книгознавчий та культурологічний аналіз (2014)

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Sokolov V.

Cyrillic edition "Featron or Historical Shame" of W. Stratemann in the context of development of the book culture and historical books printing in the first quarter of XVIII century: historical, bibliological and culturological analysis

Abstract: In this article the author offers a historical and bibliological analysis of a Cyrillic edition of the German Protestant Bishop Wilhelm Stratemann work «Featron or Historical Shame» (SPb.: typography of Alexander Nevsky Monastery, 1724) against the background of the Russian book culture, historical thought and book publishing in the first quarter of XVIII century.The research has revealed that the publication of secular books in Russia during this period was under the governmental control and largely depended on the reformation activity of Peter I. We have defined that the main goal of secular publishing was the distribution of enlightenment, science and education ideas. In the article we have revealed the characteristic features of the development of Western European Protestant and Catholic historiography of XVI–XVII centuries. The study of sources and scientific materials allows us to disclose the value of the work of W. Stratemann as the first Russian edition of the world history textbook in the distribution and popularization of historical knowledge, as well as its influence on the Russian historical science formation. We have studied the main historical ideas of W. Stratemann work and G. Buzhinsky foreword, as well as their influence on the development of historical thought in Russia during the studied period. The author attempts to make a bibliological analysis of W. Stratemann publication exemplars which are stored in the holdings of rare books of the largest libraries of Kyiv: the printing features of these printed works, bindings and engravings state, contents of provenances, marginalia etc are characterized.

Keywords: historiography, book printing, book history, rare and valuable editions, Wilhelm Stratemann (1629–1684), "Featron", Russia, Ukraine, XVIII century.

Author(s) citation:
  • Sokolov V. (National Parliament Library of Ukraine)

Sokolov V. (2014). Cyrillic edition "Featron or Historical Shame" of W. Stratemann in the context of development of the book culture and historical books printing in the first quarter of XVIII century: historical, bibliological and culturological analysis. Manuscript and book heritage of Ukraine, (18) 399-435. (In Ukrainan). - http://rksu.nbuv.gov.ua/doc/rks_2014_18_30