Опришко Т. С. - Періодичні видання "Бюлетень" та "Мистецькі матеріали" (1928–1929 рр.) літературної групи "Авангард": розвиток ідей конструктивного динамізму (2014)

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Opryshko T.

Periodical editions "Bulletin" and "Art Materials" (1928–1929) of a literature group "Avangard": constructive dynamism ideas development

Abstract: In the article we highlight the history of periodical editions of the literary group «Avangard», submit their statistical analysis, investigate the causes of evolutionary processes, characterize the changes in thematic-typological content and genre features of the periodicals. We have defined the features of «Avangard» Bulletin» and «Avangard»Art Materials» as the editions of one of the leftist directions of Ukrainian literature of cultural renaissance of the 20’s. The group «Avangard» declared the loyalty to the October Revolution ideas, argued against the underdevelopment and petty bourgeoisie, strived to struggle for «actual modern Europeanism in art technique». The main art style of the revolutionary epoch the «Avangard» group members defined as a «constructive dynamism», which based on achievements of science and technique. In the article we have attempted to characterize the place and role of the group periodical editions in the system of ideological and socio-cultural communication in USSR in 1928–1929.

Keywords: "Avangard", periodical editions, "Bulletin of "Avangard", "ArtMaterials of "Avangard", V. Polishchuk, constructive dynamism.

Author(s) citation:

Opryshko T. (2014). Periodical editions "Bulletin" and "Art Materials" (1928–1929) of a literature group "Avangard": constructive dynamism ideas development. Manuscript and book heritage of Ukraine, (18) 526-534. (In Ukrainan). - http://rksu.nbuv.gov.ua/doc/rks_2014_18_37