Ясіновський Ю. П. - Дві передмови Манявських ірмолоїв (2014)

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Yasinovsky Y.

Two prefaces of Maniav Irmologions

Abstract: The documents submitted for publication are prefaces to note-linear irmologions of the XVII century where their authors speak of the purpose and aim of these books, their main content, liturgical and theological measurement etc. Mostly they are concise appeals of scribers, publishers or editors to church singers and contain explanations of the nature of church singing, its theological and esthetic perception, historical development understanding, causes and circumstances of manuscripts and old printed books creation, the specificity of verbal and musical texts revision marks etc. In the preface to the Irmologion of 1675–1676, submitted for publication, an unknown scriber recalls Old Testament authors, who created spiritual music, panegyric songs and musical instruments. The preface to the Irmologion of 1684 is notable for its specific style of writing within the verbalism and circumlocutionary network of words and appeals to an honest prayer and spiritual singing to the glory of God. Prefaces are published in modern Ukrainian alphabet, using the Church Slavonic letter ѣ (yat'), which usually conveys the sound i and sometimes e.

Keywords: prefaces, Maniav Irmologions.

Author(s) citation:

Yasinovsky Y. (2014). Two prefaces of Maniav Irmologions. Manuscript and book heritage of Ukraine, (18) 535-544. (In Ukrainan). - http://rksu.nbuv.gov.ua/doc/rks_2014_18_38