Заболотна Н. В. - Невідоме в бібліографії видання з фондів НБУВ – джерело до біографії власника книжки ХVІІІ ст. (опис видання та примірника) (2014)

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Zabolotna N.

The edition from the VNLU fonds, unknown in the bibliography, as a sourcefor the biography of the book owner in the 18th ct. (description of the edition and the copy)

Abstract: The research of small (with a small amount of pages) editions is now very actual as such publications usually are not covered by most scientific catalogs. This complicates their attribution and primarily their dating because many of these books are undated. The activity of Pochayiv Assumption monastery printing house in the 18th ct., especially in 70’s – 80’s is an example of active publication of such kind of editions. The article is devoted to the copy of the book «Decretum quo Sanctissimus Dominus Noster Clemens Divina Providentiâ PP. XIV. concedit Proto-Archmandritæ Congregationis S. Basilii Magni Ruthenorum, nec non cæteris Archimadritis ejusdem Congregationis, eorumquè in perpetuum Successoribus, facuttalem impertendi Benedictionem cum Jndulgentia Plenaria in articulo mortis» [Pochayiv: Typography of Assumption Monastery, between 1772 and 1774], which is not described in the bibliography. The investigated copy is also a document of one of the owners, the Basilian monk Amvrosii Lukasevych. The article has appendices with scientific descriptions of the edition and the copy.

Keywords: old printed editions, document, scientific catalog, editions of the typography of Pochayiv Assumption Monastery.

Author(s) citation:

Zabolotna N. (2014). The edition from the VNLU fonds, unknown in the bibliography, as a sourcefor the biography of the book owner in the 18th ct. (description of the edition and the copy). Manuscript and book heritage of Ukraine, (18) 113-119. (In Ukrainan). - http://rksu.nbuv.gov.ua/doc/rks_2014_18_9