Горєва В. В. - Особовий архів Ольги Іванівни Сорокіної (1892–1988): структура та склад фонду (2015)

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Horieva V.

The personal archive of Olha Ivanivna Sorokina (1892–1988): the fond’s structure and composition

Section: Studies of Archival and Book Fonds

Abstract: The article covers the structure and contents of the personal archive of Decembrists researcher O. I. Sorokina, renders her biography and outlines the journey of her research. We analyzed the archive contents and characterized the structural groups of documents distinguished in the process of scientific and technical processing of the fond. Particular attention is paid to the documents group "Scientific and creative materials", which consists mainly in a rich illustration collection covering the Decembrists’ life and activity. Of considerable interest is the section "Correspondence" encompassing the fond creator’s correspondence with the Decembrists’ descendants, in particular her correspondence with M. V. Trubetska. The article has annexes containing lists of O. I. Sorokina collection of Decembrists portraits and the photographs of their monuments, graves, tombstones

Keywords: O. I. Sorokina, personal archival fond, archival documents, Decembrists, scientific description

Author(s) citation:
  • Horieva V. (Vernadsky National Library of Ukraine)

Horieva V. (2015). The personal archive of Olha Ivanivna Sorokina (1892–1988): the fond’s structure and composition. Manuscript and book heritage of Ukraine, (19) 86-99. (In Ukrainan). doi: https://doi.org/10.15407/rksu.19.086


  1. Fond 286, Units 29–52. Institute of Manuscript, Kyiv, Ukraine. [In Ukrainian].