Ціборовська-Римарович І. О. - Агіографічна література у книгозбірнях католицьких монастирів Луцької/Луцько-Житомирської діецезії ХVІІ–ХІХ ст.: репертуар видань та їх роль у формуванні духовності чернечих осередків (2015)

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Tsiborovska-Rymarovуch I.

Hagiographical literature in the libraries of the Roman-Catholic friaries of the Lutsk/Lutsk-Zhytomyr diecese in the ХVІІ–ХІХ centuries: the editions repertory and their role in the formation of monastic communities’ spirituality

Section: History of Book Collections and Gatherings

Abstract: The article covers the factual material about the hagiographical literature in the libraries of 11 roman-catholic friaries on the territory of Lutsk/Lutsk-Zhytomyr diecese in the XVII–XIX centuries: Berestia, Kremenets, Lutsk and Ostroh Jesuit Colleges, Berdychiv and Vyshnivets friaries of barefooted Carmelites, Berestechko, Lutsk and Teofipol Trinitarian friaries, Dederkaly and Kremenets friaries of Franciscan reformats. It rests upon the original sources: old-printed books from the named libraries, manuscript catalogues of the Berdychiv Carmelites’ library and the Volyn orthodox ecclesiastical seminary’s library, the manuscript inventory of the Lutsk Jesuit College. The general survey of the editions about the lives of the saints, ascetics and clergy men of the Christian Church from the libraries’ fonds has been done. This literature played an important role in the formation of the spirituality of monastic communities and was used for individual reading, divine service, sermons preparation, in iconography and painting. The information about hagiographical editions is accompanied by historical and bibliographical commentaries

Keywords: monastic libraries, historical library science, hagiographical literature, Lutsk-Zhytomyr diecese

Author(s) citation:

Tsiborovska-Rymarovуch I. (2015). Hagiographical literature in the libraries of the Roman-Catholic friaries of the Lutsk/Lutsk-Zhytomyr diecese in the ХVІІ–ХІХ centuries: the editions repertory and their role in the formation of monastic communities’ spirituality. Manuscript and book heritage of Ukraine, (19) 108-117. (In Ukrainan). doi: https://doi.org/10.15407/rksu.19.108


  1. Kataloh biblioteky Berdychivskoho monastyria bosykh karmelitiv [Catalogue of the Berdychiv friary of barefooted Carmelites’ library]. (1781). Fond 1, Unit 6413. The Institute of Manuscript, Kyiv, Ukraine. [In Latin and Polish].
  2. Inventar biblioteky Lutskoho yezuitskoho kolehiumu [Inventory of the Lutsk Jesuit College Library]. (1787). Fond 710, Inventory 2, Unit 1200. Central State Historical Archives of Ukraine in Kyiv, Kyiv, Ukraine. [In Latin and Polish].
  3. Zapasko, Ya., Isaievych, Ya. (1984). Pamiatky knyzhkovoho mystetstva. Kataloh starodrukiv, vydanykh na Ukraini [Heritage of book art. Catalogue of old-printed books published in Ukraine] (Book 2, Pts. 1, 2). Lviv. [In Ukrainian].
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  6. Estreicher, K. (1936). Bibliografia polska (Vol. 31). Kraków. [In Polish].