Дзира О. І. - Мініатюрні книжки як вид бібліофільських видань (на прикладі колекції відділу стародруків та рідкісних видань Національної бібліотеки України імені В. І. Вернадського) (2015)

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Dzyra O.

Miniature books as a type of bibliophilic editions (on the example of the collection of the Department of Old Printed Books and Rare Editions of V. Vernadsky National Library of Ukraine)

Section: History of Book Collections and Gatherings

Abstract: In the article the miniature books of the 20th–21st centuries are systematized and characterized as a kind of bibliophilic editions, which make up a separate collection of the Department of Old Printed Books and Rare Editions of V. Vernadsky National Library of Ukraine. The conducted research provides the fond description with the classification of miniature books contents, sizes, forms, places, dates, editions languages and art design. The subjects’ specifics of the miniature books, associated with the time of their publication, are indicated. Selected are bright examples of book art in miniature editions distinguishing them from the other printed editions. Along with the books’ general characteristics, their informative and artistic significance, both for professional bibliographers, cultural experts and for bibliophiles and wide range of readers are shown

Keywords: miniature books, collection of the Department of Old Printed Books and Rare Editions, fond description

Author(s) citation:
  • Dzyra O. (Vernadsky National Library of Ukraine)

Dzyra O. (2015). Miniature books as a type of bibliophilic editions (on the example of the collection of the Department of Old Printed Books and Rare Editions of V. Vernadsky National Library of Ukraine). Manuscript and book heritage of Ukraine, (19) 118-126. (In Ukrainan). doi: https://doi.org/10.15407/rksu.19.118


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