Заболотна Н. В. - Побутування почаївських кириличних стародруків у ХVІІІ–ХІХ ст. на Холмщині та Підляшші (за даними фондів Національної бібліотеки України імені В. І. Вернадського) (2015)

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Zabolotna N.

Existence of Pochaiv old printed Cyrillic books in the 18–19th centuries in Kholm and Podlasie regions (based on the data from the fonds of V. Vernadsky National Library of Ukraine)

Section: History of Book Collections and Gatherings

Abstract: The article presents the investigation of Pochaiv old printed Cyrillic books existence in Kholm and Podlasie regions in the 18–19th centuries, based on the marginal notes in the copies of these books from V. Vernadsky National Library of Ukraine fonds. All notes relating to the books existence are quoted according to their original spelling. The article has two appendices: an index of geographic names and an alphabetical index of investigated old printed books. Most discovered copies from Kholm and Podlasie regions were liturgical literature. One edition is published in Ukrainian, the rest – in the Ukrainian variant of Church Slavonic. Marginal notes that contain information about the existence place of these books are an additional evidence of the fact that in the 18–19th centuries a significant part of the population of Kholm and Podlasie regions were Ukrainians, who professed Greek Catholicism and later – Orthodoxy

Keywords: old printed books, marginal notes, editions of Pochaiv Assumption Monastery printing house, Kholm and Podlasie regions.

Author(s) citation:

Zabolotna N. (2015). Existence of Pochaiv old printed Cyrillic books in the 18–19th centuries in Kholm and Podlasie regions (based on the data from the fonds of V. Vernadsky National Library of Ukraine). Manuscript and book heritage of Ukraine, (19) 127-145. (In Ukrainan). doi: https://doi.org/10.15407/rksu.19.127


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