Бондар Н. П. - Філіграні примірників "Гербарія" М. Сєнніка 1568 р. як джерело дослідження краківського паперу кінця 60-х років ХVІ ст. (2015)

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Bondar N.

Filigrees of the exemplars of Martin Siennik’s "Herbarium" of 1568 as a source for the research of Krakow paper of the late 60s of the 16th century

Section: Studies in Special Historical Disciplines

Abstract: The article addresses the filigrees on the paper of Krakow edition of Martin Siennik’s "Herbarium" of 1568 printed in the typography of N. Scharfenberg, five exemplars of which were found in the collection of VNLU. We have determined the filigrees quantity and percentage ratios, frequency of their detection, dynamics of paper change in a book and paper similarity in all the exemplars. Paper analysis of "Herbarium" exemplars proved that they were printed only on Krakow paper with the filigrees of local mills. It has also allowed us to ascertain the time of additional printing of two exemplars pages. Extra pages for one exemplar were printed in the late 16th century, for the other – in the 19th century. The first additional printing was conducted in the typography of N. Scharfenberg, the other, probably, was initiated by the book owner, a scientist and a bibliophile, the Duke Montresor. The filigrees study of Martin Siennik’s “Herbarium” demonstrated that they were printed on the paper similar to that of the Cyrillic edition of the Evangel of 1569 printed in Zabludow by Ivan Fedorov and Pavlo Mstyslavets. Therefore, most of the paper of the second edition was of Krakow origin

Keywords: filigrees of old printed editions, watermarks of old printed editions, paper, Krakow editions of the second half of the 16th century, “Herbarium” of Martin Siennik of 1568

Author(s) citation:
  • Bondar N. (Vernadsky National Library of Ukraine)

Bondar N. (2015). Filigrees of the exemplars of Martin Siennik’s "Herbarium" of 1568 as a source for the research of Krakow paper of the late 60s of the 16th century. Manuscript and book heritage of Ukraine, (19) 283-298. (In Ukrainan). doi: https://doi.org/10.15407/rksu.19.283


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