Міщук С. М. - Документи О. А. Фотинського у фондах Інституту рукопису НБУВ та їхня джерелознавча роль у дослідженнях з біографістики та бібліографістики Волині, Міщук Г. А. (2015)

  ARCHIVE (All issues) /     Content (2015, Issue 19)Ukrainian English

Mishchuk S., Mishchuk H.

O. A. Fotynsky documents in the fonds of the Institute of Manuscript of VNLU and their role as a source for biographic and bibliographic studies in Volyn

Section: Studies in Special Historical Disciplines

Abstract: In the article we analyzed the archival heritage of O. A. Fotynsky (1861–1931), Volyn historian, local studies specialist, educator and Volyn eparchial antiquarium initiator. The documents are studied according to their role as a source for Ukrainian biography studies. Revealed for science are hand-written documents of 1888–1923, deposited in the Institute of Manuscript of VNLU. Documental data serve as a source for the clarification and specification of the facts of O. A. Fotynsky biography and scientific work in the context of Volyn regional biography studies. The documents have also enabled us to update his scientific bibliography and expand the circle of his professional contacts, and more specifically, to define the subjects and specifics of O. Fotynsky correspondence with the eminent personalia of Ukrainian science and culture D. Bogdashevsky, V. Antonovych, N. Beliashevsky, D. Bagalii in the context of Ukrainian biography studies

Keywords: manuscripts, archive, O. Fotynsky, archeography, historical artifacts, Volyn, biography studies, bibliography studies

Author(s) citation:

Mishchuk S. (2015). O. A. Fotynsky documents in the fonds of the Institute of Manuscript of VNLU and their role as a source for biographic and bibliographic studies in Volyn. Manuscript and book heritage of Ukraine, (19) 299-317. (In Ukrainan). doi: https://doi.org/10.15407/rksu.19.299


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