Пастушенко О. В. - Cучасна книга та книжкова комунікація в дисертаційних дослідженнях (2015)

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Pastushenko O.

Modern books and book communications in dissertations

Section: Studies in Special Historical Disciplines

Abstract: Books and book comunications are being studied by different sciences, and have different subject matters. In recent years, modern communicational features are becoming the object of their research, and that complements historical, socio-cultural, scientific and informational directions of science development. In eight years of scientific research this aspect has been developed in various specialities and has been studied by social communications, historical, philological and other sciences. During this period a few centers of research and preparation of dissertations in the field of theory and history of books and book communications were established. These were Taras Shevchenko Kyiv National University (theory and history of the press and applied social technologies), Kharkiv Academy of Culture, V. Vernadsky National Library of Ukraine, Kyiv National University of Culture and Arts. Among the objects of their research are theory and practice of bооk publishing, distribution and preservation; communicational features of books and book culture in their modern state and in the historical past

Keywords: dissertation, social communications, book, book communication

Author(s) citation:
  • Pastushenko O. (Department of Personnel Certification of MES of Ukraine)

Pastushenko O. (2015). Modern books and book communications in dissertations. Manuscript and book heritage of Ukraine, (19) 318-331. (In Ukrainan). doi: https://doi.org/10.15407/rksu.19.318


  1. Shvetsova-Vodka, H. M. (2001). Dokument i knyha v systemi sotsialnykh komunikatsii [A document and a book in the system of social communications]. Rivne. [In Ukrainian].
  2. Markova, V. A. (2009). Knyha v prostori sotsialnoi komunikatsii: mynule, suchasne, maibutnie [A book in the space of social communication: past, present, future]. Kharkiv. [In Ukrainian].