Гарбар Л. В. - Михайло Михайлович Новицький (1892–1964): матеріали до біографії (2015)

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Harbar L.

Mykhailo Mykhailovych Novytsky (1892–1964): materials for biography

Section: Studies in Special Historical Disciplines

Abstract: The article introduces to science new documental records covering the life and work of a Ukrainian Shevchenko researcher M. M. Novytsky. Investigated are, in particular, the papers related to his family, which molded a future scientist’s worldview, the documents revealing M. M. Novytsky deportation and those reciting about the difficulties he faced when trying to regain his normal life. Illustrated is a little known fact of his collaboration with I. Ya. Aizenshtok on the publication of hand-written Shevchenkian documents. The scientists worked on the publication in 1963–1964 in the Department of Manuscripts of the State Public Library of the USSR (modern name V. Vernadsky National Library of Ukraine). Based on the memoirs from the personal archive of M. M. Novytsky, primarily, the reminiscences of R. P. Tovstukha-Novytska, we have recollected the last days of the scientist’s life

Keywords: Shevchenkian studies, biography studies, M. M. Novytsky

Author(s) citation:
  • Harbar L. (Vernadsky National Library of Ukraine)

Harbar L. (2015). Mykhailo Mykhailovych Novytsky (1892–1964): materials for biography. Manuscript and book heritage of Ukraine, (19) 332-343. (In Ukrainan). doi: https://doi.org/10.15407/rksu.19.332


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