Сукало А. М. - Життєпис Олександра Богомазова (за документами особового фонду ЦДАМЛМ України) (2015)

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Sukalo A.

Biography of Alexander Bogomazov (based on the documents from the personal fond deposited in the Central State Archive-Museum of Literature and Arts of Ukraine)

Section: Studies of Archival and Book Fonds

Abstract: Based on the documents from the personal fond of a Ukrainian artist A. K. Bogomazov, deposited in the Central State Archive-Museum of Literature and Arts of Ukraine, we have presented the main periods of his life, his artistic and literary heritage, materials of his official activities etc. We have described the history of A. K. Bogomazov’s archive accession to the Central State Archive-Museum of Literature and Arts of Ukraine, motivated the personal fond structure, specified the composition and content of the documental complex main sections and subsections, defined its value for A. K. Bogomazov heritage fundamental research

Keywords: Central State Archive-Museum of Literature and Arts of Ukraine, personal fond, archive, artist, art, collection, painting, avant-garde, sketch, draft

Author(s) citation:
  • Sukalo A. (Central State Archives Museum of Literature and Art of Ukraine)

Sukalo A. (2015). Biography of Alexander Bogomazov (based on the documents from the personal fond deposited in the Central State Archive-Museum of Literature and Arts of Ukraine). Manuscript and book heritage of Ukraine, (19) 31-49. (In Ukrainan). - http://rksu.nbuv.gov.ua/doc/rks_2015_19_5