Алєксєєнко М. В. - Приватні дари викладачів Рішельєвського ліцею – важлива складова фонду ліцейської бібліотеки в Одесі (2016)

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Alieksieienko M.

Private donations of the teaching staff of Richelieu lyceum in Odesa as an important constituent of the lyceum library stocks

Section: History of Book Collections and Gatherings

Abstract: The study aims at identifying the range of donators and benefactors of Richelieu Lyceum library in Odesa. Different groups of donators (Richelieu lyceum teaching staff, officials of Novorossiya region and Odesa educational district) are regarded, their role in the formation of the book stock of one of the oldest educational institutions is clarified. The study is based on a number of various sources: documents of the State archive of Odesa region, data from official periodicals, manuscript “Fundamental catalog of Richelieu Lyceum library” and the memories of both teachers and students of Odesa lyceum. Besides, the books of the Lyceum collection were viewed de visu. Special attention is paid to the circumstances of the benefaction to the Lyceum library made by the former general-governor of Novorossiya region, Duke Richelieu

Keywords: Richelieu Lyceum library, donators, individual benefactions and donations, Odesa, Novorossiiya region, book stock

Author(s) citation:
  • Alieksieienko M. (Scientific Library of Odesa I. I. Mechnikov National University)

Alieksieienko M. (2016). Private donations of the teaching staff of Richelieu lyceum in Odesa as an important constituent of the lyceum library stocks. Manuscript and book heritage of Ukraine, (20) 204-221. (In Ukrainan). doi: https://doi.org/10.15407/rksu.20.204


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