Дубровіна Л. А. - Бібліотеки в системі інституцій національної пам’яті України та національної культурної спадщини (2016)

  ARCHIVE (All issues) /     Content (2016, Issue 20)Ukrainian English

Dubrovina L. A.

Libraries within the system of the institutions of national memory of Ukraine and national cultural heritage

Section: Studies in Special Historical Disciplines

Abstract: In the article, libraries, archives and museums are explored as the constituents of social institutes realizing state policy of social, historical and national memory The institutes organize deposition of memory sources, conduct scientific inquiry and identification, study the origins of documents, museum exhibits and collections, the history of documental heritage. Their main functions are preservation and study of historical and cultural sources, sharing unbiased information and scientifically grounded knowledge concerning the documental cultural heritage and the sources’ use in contemporary information analysis, memorial, socio-political, cultural-educational and other events, aimed at the formation and consolidation of national memory. It is believed, that through the abovementioned actions these social institutions contribute to the informational safety of a country, its integration into the world humanitarian space. The institutions activity provides governmental figures, educators, scientists and cultural figures with unbiased information, conduces countermeasures against the tendentious interpretation of historical process and the deformation of memorial senses of the past and modernity, the manipulation of historical facts and socio-cultural factors sense

Keywords: libraries, archives, museums, national memory of Ukraine, cultural heritage of sources, institutions of national memory

Author(s) citation:

Dubrovina L. A. (2016). Libraries within the system of the institutions of national memory of Ukraine and national cultural heritage. Manuscript and book heritage of Ukraine, (20) 232-251. (In Ukrainan). doi: https://doi.org/10.15407/rksu.20.232


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