Філіпович М. А. - До питання про ідеологічну політику в українській історичній науці в 1970-х роках (стенограма засідання відділу історії феодалізму Інституту історії АН УРСР стосовно рецензії О. С. Компан на видання "Історія українського мистецтва") (2016)

  ARCHIVE (All issues) /     Content (2016, Issue 20)Ukrainian English

Filipovych M.

On the issue of the ideological policy in the Ukrainian historical science in 1970s (a stenograph of the Feudalism History Department of the Institute of History of the AS of Ukrainian SSR meeting concerning O. S. Kompan’s review of the edition "History of Ukrainian Art")

Section: Publication of Documents

Abstract: In the publication the author presents a meeting protocol of the Feudalism History Department of the AS of Ukrainian SSR of November 15, 1967). The Department meeting was held in order to discuss (practically, to denounce) an article of a Senior Research Fellow, Doctor of Historical Sciences Olena Kompan. The article entitled "UkrainianRenaissance. The historian’s refl ections on the issues of Art Studies", published in the newspaper "Literary Ukraine" (October 17, 1967) was a review of the first two volumes of the "History of Ukrainian Art". The article indeed was discussed on the meeting, however it was not crucified, as most of the meeting participants supported the reviewer. The colleagues of Olena Kompan, M. Braichevsky, O. Apanovych, K. Stetsiuk and D. Myshko expressed their opinions concerning her article. The publication preface contains the history of Olena Kompan’s article-review, main conclusions and provisions, as well as the feedback the article received from numerous readers, colleagues and party’s "academicians"

Keywords: O. S. Kompan, Feudalism History Department of the AS of Ukrainian SSR, history of Ukrainian art, review

Author(s) citation:

Filipovych M. (2016). On the issue of the ideological policy in the Ukrainian historical science in 1970s (a stenograph of the Feudalism History Department of the Institute of History of the AS of Ukrainian SSR meeting concerning O. S. Kompan’s review of the edition "History of Ukrainian Art"). Manuscript and book heritage of Ukraine, (20) 440-456. (In Ukrainan). doi: https://doi.org/10.15407/rksu.20.440


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