Клименко І. В. - Бібліографічний покажчик "Друковані праці Б. С. Бутника-Сіверського" як джерело до вивчення наукової діяльності українського мистецтвознавця (2016)

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Klymenko I.

Bibliographic index "Printed works of B. S. Butnyk-Siversky" as a source for the Ukrainian Art Studies specialist’s scientific work study

Section: Publication of Documents

Abstract: The publication is devoted to the archival heritage of B. S. Butnyk-Siversky, a well-known Ukrainian art critic, historian, ethnographer and researcher of the history of Ukrainian art, decorative folk art poster, Shevchenko studies, art criticism and children’s creativity. In connection with the development process of the revival of Ukrainian art in social and cultural aspect in Ukraine, through the prism of the biography and achievements of the scientist, through the introduction to science of archival documents of the personal fond of B. S. Butnyk-Siversky we have the expansion of the source base dedicated to the history of Ukrainian art criticism and bright illumination of the scientific and esthetic picture of society of different periods of the history of the 20th century. The publication “Systematic index of publications of B. S. Butnyk-Siversky” highlightshis diversified scientific heritage of the studies of Ukrainian history of science and culture, opens to the wide range of researchers the figure of the man of broad scientific interests, who was disposed to the search for new events and facts, and whose materials were submitted with completeness and reliability

Keywords: B. S. Butnyk-Siversky, bibliographic index, publication

Author(s) citation:

Klymenko I. (2016). Bibliographic index "Printed works of B. S. Butnyk-Siversky" as a source for the Ukrainian Art Studies specialist’s scientific work study. Manuscript and book heritage of Ukraine, (20) 469-477. (In Ukrainan). doi: https://doi.org/10.15407/rksu.20.469


  1. Afanasiev, V. (2001). Mystetstvoznavchi ta narodoznavchi pratsi Borysa Butnyka-Siverskoho (do 100-richchia vid dnia narodzhennia vchenoho) [Art Studies and Ethnology works of Borys Butnyk-Siversky (to the 100th anniversary of the scientist). In Narodna tvorchist ta etnohrafiia [Folk art and ethnography], Nos. 5–6, pp. 14–18. Kyiv. [In Ukrainian].