Курганова О. Ю. - Поетична молитва як "текст у тексті" в українських кириличних виданнях доби Бароко (2016)

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Kurhanova O.

Poetic prayer as a "text in text" in Ukrainian Cyrillic editions of the Baroque age

Section: Studies of Archival and Book Fonds

Abstract: The article observes a prayer as a meta-genre of Baroque Ukrainian poetry, found at the pages of Ukrainian Cyrillic religious editions of the late 16th – early 18th centuries. Double nature of baroque poetic prayer is underlined. Poetic prayer originates from the tradition of liturgical prayer and contains it as a "text in text", at the same time poetical prayer is inserted as a "text in text" into the editions, in which it is printed. Two types of semantic connections between baroque poetic prayers and the text of their editions are described. The first type is presented by the poetry, which contains an image of a person, who took part in the text creation and in the process of its edition: the author/editor (in the role of the prayer addresser) or the patron of art (in the role of a person, about whom the prayer request was made). The topics of prayer appellations in the poetry of this group are requests for earthly and heavenly boons for the author/editor/patron of the edition, for positive reception of the book; thanksgivings for the help in the book writing/publishing etc. The poetry of the second type contains images, which are central for the text of an edition. These are, as a rule, addressees of the prayer text – God, Saint Virgin, Angels and Saints. The content of a prayer appeal in the poetry of this type is a request for salvation and help in spiritual self-perfection of a lyric hero or a church community. It is defined that the content of poetic prayers, printed at pages of Cyrillic editions of the late 16th – early 18th centuries, was influenced both by text elements of the edition (topic, central images), and by non-textual factors (illustration plot, accompanied by a poem, prayer intention of an author/editor, existence of a patron of edition, different circumstances of editorial process etc.)

Keywords: poetic prayer, text, baroque poetry, Ukrainian Cyrillic editions of 16–18th centuries

Author(s) citation:

Kurhanova O. (2016). Poetic prayer as a "text in text" in Ukrainian Cyrillic editions of the Baroque age. Manuscript and book heritage of Ukraine, (20) 90-101. (In Ukrainan). doi: https://doi.org/10.15407/rksu.20.090


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