Герасімова Т. В. - Документальна спадщина українських істориків авіації та авіаконструкторів з фондів Інституту рукопису НБУВ: джерелознавчий аспект (2016)

  ARCHIVE (All issues) /     Content (2016, Issue 20)Ukrainian English

Gerasimova T.

Documental heritage of Ukrainian aviation historians and aircraft designers in the fonds of the Institute of Manuscript of VNLU: source studies aspect

Section: Studies of Archival and Book Fonds

Abstract: The article gives the information on the main fonds of Ukrainian archives, which deposit documents of aviation history on the territory of Ukraine. The fonds described are divided into three categories: archival fonds of Ukrainian aviators, those belonging to aviation industry institutions and the fonds of administrative organizations regulating aviation industry on the Ukrainian territory. Particular attention is paid to the archival fonds of personal origin, especially those retained in the Institute of Manuscript of V. Vernadsky National Library of Ukraine. The personal fonds described in the paper are those created by aircraft designers, aviation historians and other prominent representatives of aviation industry. Revealed are the specifics of the fonds acquisition, formation, documental composition and their creators’ biographic data

Keywords: archival fond, Institute of Manuscript of VNLU, aviation history, Ye. Koroliova, S. Karatsuba, O. Karpeka, V. Kyslov

Author(s) citation:

Gerasimova T. (2016). Documental heritage of Ukrainian aviation historians and aircraft designers in the fonds of the Institute of Manuscript of VNLU: source studies aspect. Manuscript and book heritage of Ukraine, (20) 102-111. (In Ukrainan). doi: https://doi.org/10.15407/rksu.20.102


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