Бондар М. А. - Попримірникові каталоги кириличних стародруків як унікальне джерело історико-краєзнавчих досліджень (2016)

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Bondar M.

Catalogs of the exemplars of Cyrillic old printed editions as a unique source for local studies

Section: Studies of Archival and Book Fonds

Abstract: In the article the author analyzes ownership and contribution notes notes published in Ukrainian catalogs of Cyrillic old printed editions, which are original and indigenous objects of local studies. Such notes contain information about contributions and contributors, their families’ members, priests, landed estates’ owners, about the other gifts, temples building and renovation, founders and beneficiaries, about military expeditions, battles, natural phenomena. Sometimes the notes include titles of several books given to a temple or list other religious items. Notes related to the history and local studies make it possible to reconstruct some episodes of the history of Ukrainian local territories, towns, villages, communities, churches and monasteries

Keywords: old printed books, scientific catalogs, old printed books bibliography, ownership and contribution notes, local studies

Author(s) citation:
  • Bondar M. (Vernadsky National Library of Ukraine)

Bondar M. (2016). Catalogs of the exemplars of Cyrillic old printed editions as a unique source for local studies. Manuscript and book heritage of Ukraine, (20) 112-121. (In Ukrainan). doi: https://doi.org/10.15407/rksu.20.112


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