Чернухін Є. К. - Благальний лист протоієрея Трифілія Карацоглу до митрополита Ігнатія Гозадинова від січня 1785 р. (за матеріалами архіву Трифілія Карацоглу в Інституті рукопису Національної бібліотеки України імені В. І. Вернадського), Кульчинський О. Б. (2017)

  ARCHIVE (All issues) /     Content (2017, Issue 21)Ukrainian English

Chernukhin Ye. K., Kulchynskyi O. B.

Pleading epistle of protopresbyter Trifillios Karatsoglu to Metropolitan Ignatius Gozadinov of January 1785 (on the materials from the archive of Trifillios Karatsoglu in the Institute of Manuscript of V. I. Vernadsky National Library of Ukraine)

Section: Publication of Documents

Abstract: The original text of the letter of Mariupol protopresbyter Trifillios Karatsoglu to the last Metropolitan of Gothia and Kaffa Ignatius Gozadinov, the translation of the letter in Ukrainian and its transliteration with modern Turkish alphabet are proposed. The document is deposited in the archive of presbyter Trifillios, which was acquired from his descendants in 1914 and came to Kyiv within a manuscript collection of the Odesa History and Antiquities Society. The letter consists of two large sheets of paper, which served as a covering for some other documents of the same archive. The text was written by the hand of presbyter Trifillios in local Turkish dialect with Karamanlidika script in January 1785. The letter reflects the views of Trifillios on migration of the Christians from Crimea and their resettlement in the Azov sea region. It also includes some reminiscences on Crimea period and the urgent request for pecuniary aid. All this in general allows us to identify the letter compiler as Trifillios Karatsoglu, and the addressee as Metropolitan Ignatius Gozadinov.

Keywords: Institute of Manuscript of V. I. Vernadsky National Library of Ukraine, Trifillios Karatsoglu, Ignatius Gozadinov, Greeks of the Azov sea region, Urums, Karamanli script.

Author(s) citation:

Chernukhin Ye. K. (2017). Pleading epistle of protopresbyter Trifillios Karatsoglu to Metropolitan Ignatius Gozadinov of January 1785 (on the materials from the archive of Trifillios Karatsoglu in the Institute of Manuscript of V. I. Vernadsky National Library of Ukraine). Manuscript and book heritage of Ukraine, (21) 357-370. (In Ukrainan). doi: https://doi.org/10.15407/rksu.21.357


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