Булгаков Ю. В. - До історії українсько-польської наукової співпраці у галузі механіки: наукове відрядження академіка А. Д. Коваленка до ПНР (16 січня – 5 лютого 1958 р.) (2017)

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Bulhakov Yu. V.

On the history of the Ukrainian-Polish scientific cooperation in the field of mechanics: the scientific trip of academician A. D. Kovalenko to the Polish People’s Republic (January 16 – February 5, 1958)

Section: To the 100th Anniversary of the National Academy of Sciences of Ukraine and V. I. Vernadsky National Library of Ukraine

Abstract: Investigated are preconditions, course and results of a scientific trip of academician A. D. Kovalenko to Poland on January 16 – February 5, 1958. Carried out is a review of historiography and defined is a source base of the study. Analyzed are documents from the personal archival fonds of A. D. Kovalenko, H. M. Savin, Yu. O. Mytropolskyi, deposited in the Institute of Archival Studies VNLU. It was found out that the trip was of great importance for the establishment and further development of close cooperation between the Academy of Sciences of the Ukrainian SSR and leading scientific and educational centers of Poland in the field of mechanics, for research in Ukraine of achievements of foreign machine tool and instrument making industries, the development by Ukrainian academic institutions of the market of high-tech scientific products in Poland. Noted is a high informative potential of personal archival fonds of outstanding scientists of Ukraine as a source of research of the history of international scientific cooperation.

Keywords: archival fond, Institute of Archival Studies of VNLU, history of mechanics, Academy of Sciences of the Ukrainian SSR, Polish People’s Republic, A. D. Kovalenko.

Author(s) citation:

Bulhakov Yu. V. (2017). On the history of the Ukrainian-Polish scientific cooperation in the field of mechanics: the scientific trip of academician A. D. Kovalenko to the Polish People’s Republic (January 16 – February 5, 1958). Manuscript and book heritage of Ukraine, (21) 492-505. (In Ukrainan). doi: https://doi.org/10.15407/rksu.21.492


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