Индыченко А. В. - Межакадемическое сотрудничество украинских, чешских и словацких ученых в гуманитарной сфере: исторический экскурс (1955–1960 гг.) (2017)

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Indychenko H. V.

Inreacademic cooperation of Ukrainian, Czech and Slovak scholars in the humanitarian field: insight into history (1955–1960)

Section: To the 100th Anniversary of the National Academy of Sciences of Ukraine and V. I. Vernadsky National Library of Ukraine

Abstract: The article is devoted to cooperation of Ukrainian, Czech and Slovak scientists in the field of humanities and chronologically covers the period of 1955–1960. On the basis of archival sources the directions of cooperation in the research of history, archeology, linguistics, literature and economics were determined. Czechoslovakia was also one of the leading partners of the Academy of Sciences of the UkrSSR in the field of book exchange. The forms of cooperation between Ukrainian, Czech and Slovak scientists in the course of joint elaboration of scientific problems, which had a mutual scientific interest for the scientists, research trips, participation in academic events, scientific works’ reviewing, etc., are analyzed. The archival documents include annual reports on international scientific relations, information and certificates of Ukrainian institutions on acceptance of Czech and Slovak scientists, and other integrated resource.

Keywords: document, Academy of Sciences of the UkrSSR, Czechoslovak Academy of Sciences, Slovak Academy of Sciences, cooperation, book exchange.

Author(s) citation:

Indychenko H. V. (2017). Inreacademic cooperation of Ukrainian, Czech and Slovak scholars in the humanitarian field: insight into history (1955–1960). Manuscript and book heritage of Ukraine, (21) 506-525. doi: https://doi.org/10.15407/rksu.21.506


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