Афанасьєва Зоя Борисівна - Становлення Київського реального училища та його бібліотеки (1873 – 1920) (2018)

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Afanasieva Zoia Borysivna

Formation of the Kyiv real school and its library (1873 – 1920)

Section: History of Book Collections and Gatherings

Abstract: The formation of the Kyiv Real School (KRS) and its library, organization of book funds, acquisition of books, the role of librarians-teachers in the arrangement and functioning of the library require a more detailed historical and bibliological research. The article outlines the historical preconditions for the formation of the educational institution’s library, provides information on the fi nancial provision of the School, examines specifi cs of the Real School’s Statute, defi nes a role of the Ministry of Public Education in the acquisition of books for the main fund of the KRS library. The article describes the details of study and scientifi c processing of book collections of libraries of middle and higher educational institutions of Kyiv with their subsequent reconstruction, the introduction into the scientifi c circulation of literature from the documentary resource of exchange and reserve funds, which today are an integral part of the funds of the Department of Librarian Gatherings and Historical Collections of the Institute of Book Studies of Vernadsky National Library of Ukraine (VNLU). Special attention in the article is paid to librarians-teachers of the School and patron P. М. Tietierev, who contributed to the scientifi c organization of the library work and assembling of the library book collections. Thanks to the detailed analysis of the book fund we managed to determine the structure of the library and found out that the literature was arranged in accordance with the main subjects of teaching in the School. Proveniences had a signifi cant role in the practical work with the literature of the KRS library. They were the only defi ning factor for the reconstruction of the scattered library of the educational institution. The research has shown that a part of the KRS library contains significant documentary information for researchers of different specialties, who can find new factual material for their intelligence.

Keywords: Kyiv real school (KRS), library, Vernadsky National Library of Ukraine (VNLU), acquisition of library funds, P. M. Tietierev, librarian, proveniences.

Author(s) citation:

Afanasieva Zoia Borysivna (2018). Formation of the Kyiv real school and its library (1873 – 1920). Manuscript and book heritage of Ukraine, (22) 210-229. (In Ukrainan). doi: https://doi.org/10.15407/rksu.22.210


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