Лук’янець Катерина Юріївна - Методологічні аспекти каталогізації аркушевих видань доби Української революції 1917 – 1921 рр. (на основі колекції листівок Національної бібліотеки України імені В. І. Вернадського), Шорсткіна Олександра Федорівна (2018)

  ARCHIVE (All issues) /     Content (2018, Issue 22)Ukrainian English

Lukianets Kateryna Yuriivna , Shorstkina Oleksandra Fedorivna

Methodological aspects of cataloging of one-sheet editions of the period of Ukrainian Revolution of 1917 - 1921 (by the leaflets collection of Vernadsky National Library of Ukraine)

Section: To the Anniversary of Famous Ukrainian Bibliologist S. Yo. Petrov

Abstract: The leaflets collection of 1917–1921 of Vernadsky National Library of Ukraine is among the largest in Ukraine. It includes leaflets transferred from the funds of the library of the former Central State Archive of October Revolution of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of the Ukrainian SSR in Kharkiv, the Museum of Revolution (Kharkiv), the Kharkiv Historical Museum. Concentration of these one-sheet editions within one collection in the fund of the Department of Old-Printed and Rare Editions provides for their cataloging with the aim of further study by bibliologists and use by historians. The leaflets as a specific type of historical sources in the context of the preliminary work for the scientific catalog of one-sheet editions of the Ukrainian Revolutionary period of 1917–1921 are considered. The studies of the issue in the national historiography are characterized. Methodological approaches and practical recommendations to the selection and systematization of the documents on the base of “de visu” research of the Leafl ets Collection from the funds of Old Printed Books and Rare Editions Department of VNLU are presented. The main features and specifics of leaflets in revolutionary times, which should be considered for the catalog, are determined. The principles of bibliographic description of the leaflets of 1917–1921, in particular the specificity of cataloging of defective copies and copies with a lack of some initial data, are suggested. The catalog’s component blocks (sections) are developed; its composition based on the chronological thematic principle is proposed. Accordingly, it is anticipated that the work will cover the leaflets of the Ukrainian Central Council (Tsentralna Rada), of the period of the P. Skoropadsky’s Hetmanate and the times of the Directory of the Ukrainian National Republic. The necessary scientific and reference apparatus is outlined in the process of compilation of the catalog of Ukrainian leaflets of the times of 1917–1921.

Keywords: one-sheet editions, leaflets collection of VNLU, methodological principles, bibliographic description, scientific catalog, Ukrainian Revolution

Author(s) citation:

Lukianets Kateryna Yuriivna (2018). Methodological aspects of cataloging of one-sheet editions of the period of Ukrainian Revolution of 1917 - 1921 (by the leaflets collection of Vernadsky National Library of Ukraine). Manuscript and book heritage of Ukraine, (22) 581-590. (In Ukrainan). doi: https://doi.org/10.15407/rksu.22.581


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