Шип Н. А. - Інтерпретація слов’янофілами польського й українського питань у Російській імперії (друга половина ХІХ ст.) (2019)

  ARCHIVE (All issues) /     Content (2019, Issue 23)Ukrainian English

Shyp Nadiia Andriivna

Interpretation of Polish and Ukrainian issues by Slavophiles in the Russian Empire (second half of the 19th century)

Section: Studies in Special Historical Disciplines

Abstract: The aim of the research is to show the historical preconditions, character and development of Russian-Polish conflict (apogee of which was Polish national-liberating rebellion of 1863) and the essence of Russian-Ukrainian polemics regarding the language issue based on studying scientific literature and analysis of Slavophile press. The methodology of the research. Methodological basis is comprised of objectivity principles, terminological definition and historical method. The connection of foreign policy and internal policy factors has been taken into concideration when accoun ting for the actions of the centralized power regarding peripheral lands of the Russian Empire. The scientific novelty. It has been proven that a collision based on the conflict of Polish national-patriotic and Russian interests emerged in the Russian Empire of the 19th century. The issue was interpreted as «Polish issue» or «Ukrainian issue» within the official circles. The methodological difference in Slavophiles’ views regarding interpretation of genesis and essence of the issues as well as offered solutions for them are shown in this research. It is underlined that the methodological credo of I. Aksakov in understanding of «the Polish issue» was based on the principles of historical method and morale. Slavophiles acted within the track of pantoimperial strategy to unify national peripheries with the aim of their integration into Russia. Ukrainephiles, without breaking the unity of the Russian empire, strived for acknowledgment of Ukrainians as a separate nationality with its own language as the primary marker of the national identity. The use of primary sources was extended, among which are publicistic articles, which reflected the view of Slavophiles on societal and political issues. Conclusions. The strugle for preservation of individuality within the framework of the centralized state became more acute within the conditions of national consciousness growth among Slavic nationalities in the 19th century. New items appeared on the agenda such as the issue of the relationship between the center and peripheral parts of the Russian Empire. Slavophiles increased their activity in connection with the Polish national-liberating rebellion in 1863, in which the religious factor played a major role. They did not reach the consensus interpreting the reasons and consequences of those events. The ideas of Slavophiles regarding the Polish and Ukrainian issues confi rm the difficulty, ambiguity, and lack of mechanisms of their solution in the second half of the 19th century. The subject needs further unprejudiced comprehensive research based on maximum involvement of primary sources, which would allow to analyze the processes. It is important to take into account the current events in the South-East regions of Ukraine as well as to study the experiences of the past and carry out valuable lessons.

Keywords: «Polish issue», «Ukrainian issue», Slavophiles, Polonophilism, Ukrainophilism, Ivan Aksakov, Mykolai Kostomarov.

Author(s) citation:

Shyp Nadiia Andriivna (2019). Interpretation of Polish and Ukrainian issues by Slavophiles in the Russian Empire (second half of the 19th century). Manuscript and book heritage of Ukraine, (23) 197-218. (In Ukrainan). doi: https://doi.org/10.15407/rksu.23.197


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