Палієнко М. Г. - Книжковий рух у таборах полонених вояків-українців у Німеччині під час Першої світової війни, Срібняк І. В. (2020)

  ARCHIVE (All issues) /     Content (2020, Issue 25)Ukrainian English

Paliienko Maryna, Sribnyak Ihor

Book movement at Ukrainian prisoners' of war camps in Germany during World War I

Section: Studies in Special Historical Disciplines

Abstract: The aim of the research. The article researches the book movement at German camps (Rastatt, Wetzlar, Salzwedel), where Ukrainian prisoners of war (POWs) were located during the World War I, as well as traces the impact on forming POWs' mindset on the national and state issues. The research methodology is based on problemoriented, chronological, historical, comparative, and retrospective research methods, the combination of which allows to provide fundamental insights into the peculiarities of the book movement development at Ukrainian POWs camps. The scientific novelty lies in recognizing the contribution of the Union for the Liberation of Ukraine (ULU) to the organizational process of the book movement at the Ukrainian POWs camps in Germany along with determining the ways for its activation and popularization outside of the camps, particularly among workgroups. Chosen among Ukrainian activists, authorized delegates from camp communities ("trusted men") were responsible for this mission, especially by helping with the delivery of Ukrainian periodicals and books to Ukrainian POWs for public access for reading. The idea of the "travelling libraries" appeared to be particularly efficient as these libraries were transported from one workgroup to another, which contributed to the expansion of Ukrainian literature readers. Conclusions. The research proves the Ukrainian book concept to have played an essential role in the matter of POWs' national identity formation. Through participating in camp educational activities along with attending the Ukrainian national theatre and camp library, POWs were aroused and inspired to join active social and political life in Ukraine which required their efforts in national and state development.

Keywords: Ukrainian prisoners of war (POWs); camp; library; reading hall; book; Germany.

Author(s) citation:

Paliienko Maryna (2020). Book movement at Ukrainian prisoners' of war camps in Germany during World War I. Manuscript and book heritage of Ukraine, (25) 163-177. (In Ukrainan). doi: https://doi.org/10.15407/rksu.25.163


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