Сніцарчук Л. В. - Архівні документі до історії Української народної партії (1918–1921 рр.) у відділі рукописів Національного закладу імені Оссолінських (2020)

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Snitsarchuk Lidiya

Archival documents to history of Ukrainian People’s Republican Party (1918–1921) in collections of Manuscripts Department of National Ossolinski Institute in Wroclaw

Section: Studies of Archival and Book Collections

Abstract: The purpose of this study is to explore archival documents from Manuscripts Department of the National Ossolinski Institute. Digitized copies of them became available to researchers of the Manuscripts Department of Vasyl Stefanyk National Scientific Library of Ukraine in Lviv in October, 2019. The aim of study is to characterize materials revealing political and organizational activity of Ukrainian People's Republican Party in 1919–1921. The methods used for this study included historical and comparative research method, chronological, source study method. Novelty of the study consists of discovering and describing the set of documents shaping knowledge about development and activity of Ukrainian People's Republican Party whose members had been working in the government of Ukrainian People's Republic during Tarniv period as well as emphasizing historical uniquity of these materials, selecting and characterising those witnessing for one of most dramatical pages in the Ukrainian history and particularly of the above-mentioned political structure. Author of the article clarified senders' and adressees' names mentioned in private and party correspondence and outlined main topics and problems that were discussed. Conclusion. The study of archival documents of Ukrainian People's Republican Party gives opportunity to open unknown facts of the Ukrainian history, in particular of the national liberation struggle period, to establish the names of party members working for UPR's government, to characterize their public, political and cultural activity as well as to put into research circulation the correspondence that enabled stating participation of persons like V. Koroliv-Staryi in founding the Party and analyse some problem aspects of Party's members activity, particularly to refute the fact of their participation in organizing the coup d’etate under Volodymyr Oskilko's leadership.

Keywords: Ukrainian People's Republican Party, Tarniv period of Ukrainian People's Republic government, archival sources, correspondence, personal documents.

Author(s) citation:

Snitsarchuk Lidiya (2020). Archival documents to history of Ukrainian People’s Republican Party (1918–1921) in collections of Manuscripts Department of National Ossolinski Institute in Wroclaw. Manuscript and book heritage of Ukraine, (25) 39-51. (In Ukrainan). doi: https://doi.org/10.15407/rksu.25.039


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